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Pharma and Mental Health: Reputation Challenges

Pharma and Mental Health: Reputation Challenges

Analysing the mental health coverage, we concluded that while the awareness of mental health issues is increasing, pharma’s reputation in this area lags behind: the number of mental health-related articles which mention pharma companies is very limited. In addition,...

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Alzheimer’s in the Media: The Power of Influencers

Alzheimer’s in the Media: The Power of Influencers

Due to the 99.6% failure rate of new Alzheimer’s drugs, scepticism is the default attitude in the media coverage of everything around the increasingly occurring disease. To tackle the inevitable reputation hurdles, communication professionals should take advantage...

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The Future of Pharma? Mapping the Gene Therapy Trend

The Future of Pharma? Mapping the Gene Therapy Trend

In their latest study on the pharma market, intelligence provider Evaluate pointed out that the development and commercialisation of gene and cell therapies are turning into a powerful engine of value creation for pharma companies. The launch of these novel therapies...

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US-China Trade War 2: Thought Leaders on the Battleground

US-China Trade War 2: Thought Leaders on the Battleground

As with the Brexit quandary, the economic turbulence surrounding the US-China trade skirmish presents an opportunity for many corporates to boost their brand presence in the media by establishing themselves as thought leaders. When reporting on the trade tensions...

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Brexit in the Media 3: Life Science PR in Unhealthy Climate

Brexit in the Media 3: Life Science PR in Unhealthy Climate

Alongside finance and law, the industry which occupies a central place in the heated Brexit debates is the life sciences. From the infamous campaign bus which hit the road with Vote Leave’s empty promise about £350 million a week for the National Health Service to the...

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Brexit in the Media 2: Expert Opinion on Legal PR

Brexit in the Media 2: Expert Opinion on Legal PR

Having examined the way banks promote themselves in the Brexit media coverage, we will now turn to an industry which works hand in glove with financial giants – law. UK’s affluent legal market is fueled by London’s role as a global financial hub, and bankers form the...

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