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Mapping the Top Food & Drink Trends of 2018: Pandan

Mapping the Top Food & Drink Trends of 2018: Pandan

Tucked between the travel and beauty sections of the latest J. Walter Thompson "Future 100" report is an entire section dedicated to emerging trends in the food & beverage industry. Vertical farming, algorithmic food design, mood factoring – concepts that may...

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Deconstructing Pharma Reputation and Corporate Communication

Deconstructing Pharma Reputation and Corporate Communication

The media can have a disproportionate impact on your company’s reputation, leading many to speak of ‘media reputation’, or the overall evaluation of an organization as presented in the media. Far be it from me to equate media coverage with corporate reputation, it may...

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Аd Trends from the Cannes Lions 2017 [Infographic]

Аd Trends from the Cannes Lions 2017 [Infographic]

The Cannes Lions Creative Effectiveness awards celebrate the measurable impact of creativity. The work needs to demonstrate hard results over the long term, i.e. how the communication campaign drove tangible business effects, was instrumental to cultural change or...

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Storytelling & Financial Services: How Can You Do Better?

Storytelling & Financial Services: How Can You Do Better?

Public relations firms have long been using storytelling techniques to get their points across, but the use of storytelling in the financial services industry is fresh, effective, and extremely useful. While most financial services companies continue to churn out the...

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Media Use in the Middle East [Infographic]

Media Use in the Middle East [Infographic]

This infographic provides an overview of media consumption in the Middle East with a focus on traditional and social media, the most popular types of news, and the use of social media for news consumption.

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Pepsi Ad Controversy Media Insights

Pepsi Ad Controversy Media Insights

VIEW REPORT The adverse reaction to Pepsi’s ‘Live For Now’ video travelled round the world, fast. After initially defending the ad, Pepsi quickly decided to pull it, putting out a statement apologising for the misjudgement. At Commetric, we decided to dig into the...

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