Latest thinking
What’s Beyond Purpose? How to Use ESG to Stand Out From Your Competitors
What’s the purpose of “Purpose”? No comms practitioner can have missed the dominance of “Purpose”. Once upon a time it was such a simple little word: “the intention, aim or function of something; the thing that something is supposed to achieve” Simple and powerful....
“Vote Fashion”: Is Political Activism the Latest Fashion Trend?
Examining the media conversation around the 2020 US elections, we discovered that one industry has been especially vocal in urging people to vote: fashion. Perhaps you've already stumbled upon Michelle Obama's viral "VOTE" necklace, Gwyneth Paltrow's "VOTE" earrings,...
Commetric’s Head of Research and Insight to Participate in AMEC’s Ask the Expert Session
Maya Koleva, Commetric's Head of Research and Insight, will take part in an interactive Q&A discussion on the PR metrics that really matter. Maya will be joined by Dr Glenn O’Neil, founder of Owl-RE, and Dr Martin Löser, Managing Director Insights at Kantar Media,...
What Is Driving Your CEO Brand Image? A Media Analytics Perspective
Measuring and subsequently managing chief executive officer (CEO) brand image and reputation is essential for CEOs and their companies, especially in the age of social media. Recent research by global PR advisory firm FTI Consulting has shown that fast-growth...
US Election 2020: How Has Conspiracy Affected the Social Media Discussion?
The pandemic has provided a fertile ground for the QAnon conspiracy theory - which is claiming that a cabal of Satan-worshiping paedophiles is running a global child sex-trafficking ring and plotting against Donald Trump - to move from the political fringe into the...
Trump Is a Liar, Biden Is a Marxist: The US Election Through a Twitter Lens
With the US election around the corner, we decided to analyse the conversation on Twitter - the social media platform which plays an important role in shaping political discourse in the US and is instrumental in how politicians, media outlets and citizens engage with...
Social Media Meets Artificial Intelligence: Understanding Trump’s and Biden’s Hard Core Supporters on Twitter
The much polarised rhetoric around the US Election 2020 provides us with a unique opportunity to study how language is used by specific subpopulations talking about specific topics. In this example, we are most interested in getting insights on how some key words are...
Biden Beats Trump on All Social Media Platforms
With the US election around the corner, we decided to analyse the social media performance of the two presidential candidates- Donald Trump and Joe Biden. We looked into all their posts on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for the period July- October 2020, and the...
Consumer Boycotts: How Can PR Deal With the New Era of Activism?
Even if they don’t have an immediate impact on earnings, consumer boycotts can still significantly hurt corporate reputations, making them a top priority for PR practitioners across industries. Understanding the drivers of boycott calls through qualitative media...