Identifying Social Media Influencers Around Climate Change Through Influencer Network Analysis (INA)

Key opinion leaders (KOLs) and influencers have long been used by PR agencies and companies to create awareness about important social causes or issues with the aim of changing public perceptions and achieving behavioural change.
Opinion leadership campaigns, however, are rarely tailored to the issue at hand, i.e. KOLs are not selected strategically to overcome the barriers to reaching the target audience via communications, which is the main advantage of using key opinion leaders and influencers.
In this analysis report, we use Commetric’s proprietary Influencer Network Analysis (INA) methodology to identify and rank KOLs and influencers on social media around the topic of climate change, and demonstrate how we use qualitative analysis to segment influencers and map them to influencer personas designed to overcome the barriers to understanding climate change.
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