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Using Media Data to Evaluate the ‘S’ Factor in ESG

Using Media Data to Evaluate the ‘S’ Factor in ESG

We used Commetric's reputation analytics platform ComVix to analyse 328,264 English language articles around ESG published in the period Jan'21-Mar'22 in more than 30,000 media outlets. For more on this topic, read our analysis: "How Can PR and Comms Put the “S” in...

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Davos 2022: What Are the Key Takeaways for PR and Comms?

Davos 2022: What Are the Key Takeaways for PR and Comms?

Image: World Economic Forum/Sikarin Fon Thanachaiary Although the Davos summit didn't produce many headlines this year, a good understanding of the issues discussed at the summit may help PR and comms professionals gauge a measure of where global conversations are...

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Immunotherapy in the media [Infographic]

Immunotherapy in the media [Infographic]

Immuno-oncology has continued to be a priority for Big Pharma even during the heights of the Covid pandemic. Commetric's infographic looks at the media debate around this rapidly developing field, taking into account key topics, companies, spokespeople, journalists...

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