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Covid’s Halo Effect: Will Vaccines Become Pharma’s Redemption Story?
In the past few years, the pharmaceutical industry has been experiencing unprecedented reputational declines, mainly because of some companies’ association with the opioid crisis and high drug prices. As the media conversation around the ongoing...
CES 2021: Pandemic Tech and Home Gadgets Ruled the Virtual Show
Of course, the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) was all-digital this year. In fact, this instalment of the biggest marketing bonanza for communications professionals in the technology industry made history as the largest ever digital tech event. The event featured...
Fitness Tech: How Brands Capitalised on Home Workouts During Covid
Like many tech-powered industry niches, the fitness technology sector has been a rare winner during the coronavirus pandemic. While gyms were forced to close for months, people who committed to stay in shape during the quarantine caused an explosion in fitness tech...
Lobbying Bonanza: How Companies Played the Influence Game During Covid
While the pandemic might have shut down much of the US economy, the multi-billion lobbying business - the so-called "industry of influence" - has been booming. As Congress introduced its relief package, companies and interest groups have been hiring lobbyists and...
Activism, Vaccines and Pride: Commetric’s Most-Read Media Analyses of 2020
2020 seems to have been dominated by one eerie world: Covid. While news and social media consumption surged during the lockdowns, the content published by media outlets and shared across social networks didn't appear that diverse, as everybody was fixated on the...
Femtech: Will the Latest Digital Health Trend Hit the Mainstream?
The word “Femtech” (denoting medical devices utilised for women’s health) was coined by Ida Tin, founder of the fertility tracker Clue, in 2016. Since then, it gained much popularity within the digital health space, as women’s wellbeing is being transformed into a key...
Which Companies Used the Crisis as an Innovation Opportunity? A Media Analysis
Innovation becomes a necessity in a time of crisis. This was one of the main takeaways from a recent study conducted by Microsoft and the International Data Corporation, which found that 41% of organisations regard the COVID-19 pandemic as an opportunity to...
What’s Beyond Purpose? How to Use ESG to Stand Out From Your Competitors
What’s the purpose of “Purpose”? No comms practitioner can have missed the dominance of “Purpose”. Once upon a time it was such a simple little word: “the intention, aim or function of something; the thing that something is supposed to achieve” Simple and powerful....
“Vote Fashion”: Is Political Activism the Latest Fashion Trend?
Examining the media conversation around the 2020 US elections, we discovered that one industry has been especially vocal in urging people to vote: fashion. Perhaps you've already stumbled upon Michelle Obama's viral "VOTE" necklace, Gwyneth Paltrow's "VOTE" earrings,...