by Commetric | Dec 13, 2021 | Blog
As consumers increasingly expect CEOs to take a stand on climate change, we decided to employ our AI-based CEO Media Visibility Tracker to see which business leaders were most prominent in the media conversation around sustainability. We found that CEOs from...
by Commetric | Dec 1, 2021 | Blog
At a time when almost every major brand focuses its PR efforts on boasting sustainability credentials, some companies have started to differentiate themselves by talking about regeneration – a concept denoting a more proactive change. Our media analysis found...
by Commetric | Nov 12, 2021 | Blog
As the crisis disrupted the fashion industry to its core and forced brands to figure out new ways of connecting with customers, many fashion houses invested in the emerging digital fashion space. Our analysis found that the most influential companies in the media...
by Commetric | Nov 4, 2021 | Blog
“Metaverse” became the latest buzzword as Facebook announced its rebranding, but many companies have been using the term well before the social media giant. Commetric’s analysis found that gaming companies like Roblox and Epic Games have been among...
by Commetric | Oct 25, 2021 | Blog
As consumers become more eco-conscious and the media continues to scrutinise companies for their environmental footprint, fast-moving consumer goods players have incorporated sustainability initiatives as a central part of their PR and comms strategies. Assessing the...