by Commetric | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog
In addition to the healthcare aspects of the coronavirus pandemic, the media has been engrossed in extensive reports and analyses of how the outbreak disrupts the global economy. Most publications point out that we’re witnessing one of the biggest economic...
by Commetric | Mar 24, 2020 | Blog
Energy drinks, which represent 92% of the energy market, frequently appear in headlines across the global mainstream media, mostly in a negative light as their health effects are wrought with controversy. Analysing the most prominent messages conveyed by high-profile...
by Commetric | Mar 19, 2020 | Blog
The Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in Rotterdam was among the many large-scale events which were axed due to the escalating coronavirus pandemic. It became the first-ever Eurovision edition to be cancelled since the competition began 64 years ago. Of course, the...
by Dimitar Ganev | Mar 10, 2020 | Blog
Canned wine is quickly rising in popularity thanks to a growing global taste for more convenient and environmentally friendly alternatives to bottles, prompting a cultural shift in consumer perceptions of a product often associated with snobbery and elitism. The media...
by Commetric | Feb 28, 2020 | Blog
While the conversation around sustainability in fashion has been dominated by a focus on sustainable materials, a growing number of stakeholders have started to see resale and rental business models as the solutions to the industry’s environmental footprint. As...
by Commetric | Feb 20, 2020 | Blog
The proliferation of misinformation, rumours and conspiracy theories around the coronavirus has become a growing concern for global healthcare authorities. Conducting a media analysis of the false narratives propagated by alternative media publications, we found the...