by Commetric | Jun 4, 2018 | Blog
There are few industries which undergo more rapid metamorphoses than the financial services. Still experiencing the after quakes of its 2008 crisis, the world of finance seems in an ongoing process of redefining itself. Of course, the media plays a key role here, as...
by Commetric | May 16, 2018 | Newsroom
We are proud to announce that our collaboration with EY ‘Finding the Audience for the Digitisation Debate’ won the ‘Best use of social media or analytics for audience insights or influencer targeting’ category at the 2018 In2 EMEA SABRE Awards. The In2 SABREs...
by Commetric | Apr 25, 2018 | Newsroom
We are honoured to announce our nomination as a 2018 Diamond SABRE Award finalist, in the Research and Planning category for our work with EY. The 2018 EMEA SABRE Awards recognize Superior Achievement in Branding, Reputation and Engagement – campaigns were...
by Commetric | Apr 11, 2018 | Newsroom
We are very proud to have been shortlisted for the AMEC Awards 2018, for our work with EY and their project, ‘Reaching the digital decision makers – how media research changed positioning, language and practice at EY’. We were shortlisted in the following categories:...
by Commetric | Mar 28, 2018 | Blog
By all accounts, Mark Zuckerberg is not having the best start to the year. On March 17, an investigative piece by The New York Times and The London Observer blew the lid off a previously unknown data breach, orchestrated by British company Cambridge Analytica. The...