by Commetric | Sep 16, 2022 | Blog
As consumers increasingly expect their banks to act and interact more like top technology brands, many financial services industry firms have embraced digital transformation strategies. We suggest that as the digitalisation of currencies was the most widely discussed...
by Commetric | Sep 13, 2022 | Blog
Even though nuclear energy has long had an image problem and the public continues to express mixed views about it, many commentators suggest that it may now be on the cusp of a revival. Our analysis found that there were a rising number of articles lauding...
by Commetric | Sep 2, 2022 | Blog
As research suggests that the top ESG issue for consumers is the treatment of workers, many companies have started implementing financial wellness programmes to boost their reputation amid the inflation. Our media analysis found that the concept of financial wellbeing...
by Commetric | Aug 29, 2022 | Blog, ESG
We used Commetric’s reputation analytics platform ComVix to analyse 130,131 English language articles around ESG published in the period Jan’21-Mar’22 in more than 30,000 media...
by Commetric | Aug 18, 2022 | Blog
Hardly a day goes by without news coverage of the global energy crisis, with many analysts considering it the main driver behind the dramatic rise in inflation in the past year. Our analysis found that there is a prevailing narrative that energy companies are to blame...
by Commetric | Aug 12, 2022 | Blog
This interview originally appeared on The recent rise of fake news and conspiracies serves as a reminder to stay vigilant and critical in this ever-connected world. Media is an integral part of our everyday life – from social media to news or...