How to Measure Marketing ROI with a Single KPI

How to Measure Marketing ROI with a Single KPI

One of the existential questions that have always bothered marketers is finding the magic bullet KPI that could measure the whole value of ROI in marketing communications. In pre-digital times one such metric that all brands, and especially those in the FMCG sector,...
Social media analysis vs Consumer brand surveys

Social media analysis vs Consumer brand surveys

Brand marketers have long used surveys to question consumers on their opinions. Now, via fast-growing social media channels, consumers are volunteering these opinions, unedited and in real-time. So can this rich source of content be mined to complement, guide or even...
Ring of steel – how the USA protected a key industry

Ring of steel – how the USA protected a key industry

With the USA as one of the few Western economies which is growing apace, domestic U.S. industries have been concerned that their home market has become a dumping ground for foreign imports. None more than one of the fundamentals of industrialised economies, steel. The...
Influential factors at the ballot box – part 2

Influential factors at the ballot box – part 2

Has it come down to Welfare, Healthcare and Education? Or will Immigration and Europe prove influential at the ballot box? The latest data from Ipsos MORI shows that the NHS, Immigration and the Economy continue to be the issues people say are the most important...